Queer politics need to embrace antiracism and refuse complicity with nationalist and militarist projects

"While the gay and lesbian liberation movements of the 1970s still aimed for radical social and cultural change , the 1980s saw a modelling of queer diversity along the lines of an ethnicized, multicultural politics of recognition (Taylor 1992). [...] It has been argued that neoliberal politics have taken central concerns of sexual politics inspired by the civil rights era such as freedom and liberation and remapped them in terms of privacy, consumption and domestic bliss (Gluckman and Reed 21997; Duggan 2003; Richardson 2004, 2005; Katz 2005; Weiss 2008; Engel 2009). The fight for equality has by now taken centre stage for mainstream LGBT organizations in North America and Western Europe, the argument being that gays and lesbians are, and need to be recognized as, responsible citizens like any (heterosexual) other. [...] When in 1997, organizers of the main gay pride parade [...] [in Berlin] started to demand fees for participating floats, rebel protester...